Sunday, May 27, 2012

Planting roots

Turns out I suck at blogging...lets be honest, no one is shocked here. I actually forgot this blog existed until my mother started her own blog, well mom, you have permission to read this blog, unlike when you read all my journals... seriously, I can't believe you did that.

Anyway, a lot has changed since I blogged last.

2nd semester is over and I just started my 3rd, meaning, I am now in practicum! Although I am shocked that people deem me qualified to counsel I'm jumpin' in and loving it.

Its easy to forget why I wanted to be a counselor in the first place when I am not working with people, so I am so glad to be working with people again because I'm starting to remember...kinda like when Robin Williams remembered he was Peter Pan in Hook. 1st semester was actually hell for me(literally HELL). My roommate attempted suicide and I got to have an awesome two month romance with a little thing I like to call PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). I barely survived that semester, but I made it, by the grace of God alone mind you. I returned to Chicago for 5 weeks of bliss. My brother got married and it was the best wedding EVER. Yes, I am biases, sorry i'm not sorry. I got to spend time with my family (which all two of you, my followers, know I am borderline obsessed with them) and my friends...needless to say there was not a single fiber in my being that wanted to go back to CO. It was scary there, and my home was so safe...and cooper was at home, so home was even more appealing. HOWEVER God does not call us to live a comfortable life, He calls us to live and obedient life. So with tear filled eyes I took that long flight back to Denver (it wasn't actually that long, it just sounded more dramatic that way).

I returned to a new roommate, who is, might I add, wonderful. And within a few weeks of being back I felt the Lord telling me to "plant some roots."  I ignored this call for a few weeks because, well, I didn't want to. My plan was to get out of here as quickly as possible so I could return home to my safe and warm bed.

In January I realized that part of this root planting business would be to find a church that I could call my home. A church that could become my family. I had been living the life of a zombie for the past three months and something had to give. I heard about a church through a friend of mine that A. had old people and B. had teenagers (I don't know what you guys look for in a church, but those are my top two). I was able to get involved in the youth group and the young adult group...and even Sunday school some days (guys, sometimes you just need some small children roaming around in your life). I feel like a part of a family again. I came to Colorado thinking I would never find a church that I fit into as well as CLG, and where I could never replace CLG, this church sure does feel like home. For that I am grateful. I have also gotten plugged in with some amazing families that I now nanny for and for the first time since I moved out here I feel complete. I still miss my family every day (we are after all enmeshed...counseling jargon) but I am happy to be here and I am no longer afraid to stay.

In other news this program is rocking my world. I am  learning about, and forced to deal with head on, so many aspects of myself that need to change. I feel like I am learning what it looks like to die to patterns, my will, my control, my ideals, my ideas...getting the picture....and live for Christ. I am both horrified and excited to see the finished work He is doing in me...I will probs have  to die before I can see it fully, but for now,  I will take glimpses. He is working in me and its hard and sucks, but I don't think I would have it any other way. And no, I will not be blogging about those inner you will have to come here to read my journals in person if you want to hear.

until next time dear friends...i.e Elyse and Laura the only ones who read  this...and by next time,  I probably mean 6 months...bye